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  • Android Things
    1 min | 5911

    #TI: SensorTag CC2650

    Android Things | 1 min | 5911

    I've uploaded a repository for the Texas Instrument SensorTag CC2650. I updated the open source TI repository, which can be found here.

    Due to licensing restrictions (I do not know which ones) Texas Instruments was no longer able to keep the open source code in sync with the SensorTag application in Google Play. That means, the new version in Google Play has more features than this one. But this is open source, and can be modified and extended! I am planning to collect the sensor data and publish on a Google Cloud IoT PubSub topic.

    The new code can be found here:

    Java Code:

    UPDATE: 16.06.2018: The application is also working on Android 8.1 (see here).

    Hardware & Software

    I added the following main modifications:

    • In the file the following function and callback were modified for compatibility:
      • private boolean scanLeDevice(boolean enable)
      • private ScanCallback mLeScanCallback = new ScanCallback()
      • boolean checkDeviceFilter(String deviceAddr)
    • In the file strings.xml:
      • <string-array name="device_filter"><item>B0:B4:48:</item></string-array>

    The MAC address B0:B4:48: corresponds to Texas Instruments vendor.

