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  • LoRa/LoRaWAN, MicroPython, Raspberry Pi
    5 min | 26165

    #Raspberry Pi Pico: The RP2040 meets LoRaWAN

    LoRa/LoRaWAN, MicroPython, Raspberry Pi | 5 min | 26165

    The "Pico" board with the RP2040 chip developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation is the latest tiny fast and versatile board in Arduino Nano format. As you may already know, the board can be programmed using MicroPython and C/C++. In this tutorial, I extended the official MicroPython version to support cryptographic primitives, and this unlocks the possibility to connect the board (using the SX1276 chip) to the "The Things Networks" (TTN) - which means LoRaWAN support.

    Fig. 1: Raspberry Pi Pico connected to the LoRa V2.0 board.

    The RP2040 with a QFN-56 package has the following specifications:

    • Dual-Core ARM Cortex-M0+ @133MHz
    • 264KB of on-chip RAM
    • Support for up to 16MB of off-chip Flash Memory via a dedicated QSPI bus
    • DMA Controller
    • Interpolator and integer divider peripherals
    • 30 GPIO pins, 4 of which can be used as analog inputs
    • 2 x UARTs, 2 x SPI controllers, and 2 x I2C Controllers
    • 16 x PWM Channels
    • 1 x USB 1.1 Controller and PHY, with host and device support
    • 8 x Raspberry Pi Programmable I/O (PIO) state machines
    • USB mass-storage boot mode with UF2 support for drag-and-drop-programming

    which makes it ideal for projects that need the LoRaWAN technology.

    Fig. 2: Raspberry Pi Pico with RP2040.

    Software and Hardware

    This section includes the software and hardware needed for this tutorial.

    Programming the Raspberry Pi Pico using the Visual Studio Code (VSCode) IDE

    The Raspberry Pi Foundation recommends the Thonny Python IDE to program the Raspberry Pi Pico, but I still prefer VSCode with the PyMakr plugin. The only difference between programming an ESP32 and the Raspberry Pi Pico running MicroPython is that you need to set the address parameter in the pymakr.conf file to "/dev/ttyACM0" instead of "/dev/ttyUSB0" and the file results as:

        "address": "/dev/ttyACM0",
        "username": "micro",
        "password": "python",
        "open_on_start": true,
        "safe_boot_on_upload": false,
        "py_ignore": [
        "fast_upload": false

    Then, you can upload, download and run files and projects as you usually do with an ESP32. For more information, take a look at this tutorial.

    The Pymakr plugin with version 1.1.8 is having compatibility issues with VSCode 1.53.1/2. Therefore, you need to downgrade VSCode to 1.52.1. I hope this issue will be solved soon. If you don't want to downgrade VSCode, you can try the pico-go extension that is a derivative extension of Pymakr, which is working.

    Take a look at VSCodium if you want a to have free release binaries.

    DIY: Add Encryption Support

    To connect to LoRaWAN, you need AES encryption. The MicroPython version that supports the Raspberry Pi Pico is still very limited. So, I extended it to include the ucryptolib package.

    I included the compiled custom firmware in the lemariva/micropython-pico-mbedtls repository. But if you want to build the firmware from scratch, follow these steps:

    1. First, clone the Micropython official repository, and pull the pico-sdk submodule following these steps:
      git clone
      cd micropython
      # usually this shouldn't be necessary, but the master branch is not compatible with the actual pico-sdk
      git checkout tags/v1.14
      git submodule update --init -- lib/pico-sdk
      cd lib/pico-sdk
      git submodule update --init
    2. To build the RP2040 MicroPython port, you’ll need to install some extra tools (toolchain, etc.):
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install cmake gcc-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi build-essential
    3. and build the mpy-cross tool:
      cd ../..
      make -C mpy-cross
    4. After that, add these defines lines to the mpconfigport.h file inside the ports/rp2 folder:
      #define MICROPY_PY_UCRYPTOLIB                   (1)
      #define MICROPY_SSL_MBEDTLS                     (1)
    5. This means you need to add to the pico-sdk and compile the library MBEDTLS, which is nowadays not included. Therefore, I included that to the CMake project using this file:
      PREFIX ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/mbedtls-2.25.0
      GIT_TAG v2.25.0
      SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/thirdparty/mbedtls-2.25.0
      BINARY_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/mbedtls-2.25.0
      PATCH_COMMAND cp ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/pico_config.h ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/thirdparty/mbedtls-2.25.0/include/mbedtls/config.h
      set(MBEDTLS_HEADERS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/thirdparty/mbedtls-2.25.0/include)

      As you may already have seen, you need a pico_config.h file, which is included in the repository. I duplicated some of the configurations of the ESP32. Copy that file inside the ports/rp2 folder.

    6. Finally, add/modify two lines to the CMakeLists.txt file inside the ports/rp2 folder:
      # add this under include(micropy_rules.cmake)
      # add ${mbedtls_libraries} to the target_link_libraries as:
    7. Finally, build the MicroPython port for RP2040, that is, the version of MicroPython that has specific support for the Raspberry Pi Pico chip:
      cd ports/rp2

    If everything goes well, there will be a new directory called build (ports/rp2/build), which contains the new firmware binaries. The most important ones are:

    • firmware.uf2 A UF2 binary file that can be dragged onto the RPI-RP2 drive that pops up once your Raspberry Pi Pico is in BOOTSEL mode.
    • firmware.elf A different type of binary file, which can be loaded by a debugger (such as gdb with openocd) over RP2040’s SWD debug port.

    You can drag and drop the custom MicroPython version following the instructions described here.

    DIY: Raspberry Pi Pico meets LoRaWAN

    Last year, I wrote a driver to connect the ESP32 to the LoRaWAN network. I explained the details in these tutorials:

    Using the LoRa V2.0 board and the files from that project, you can connect the Raspberry Pi Pico to the "The Things Network".

    To do that:

    1. Connect the LoRa V2.0 to the RP2040 as follows:
    Raspberry Pi PicoLoRa V2.0
    1. Clone the repository:
      git clone -b LoRaWAN
    2. Include this device configuration in the file:
      # RASPBERRY PI Pico 
      device_config = {
      'spi_unit': 0,
    3. Finally, upload the project to the Raspberry Pi Pico board. If you need help with this, check out these steps.


    This tutorial helps you extend the MicroPython official version to include support for encryption. This unlocks the board to connect to LoRaWAN using the SX1276 chip. The files to build the firmware from scratch as well as an example application are included.

