Tag: widgets
- 15
Nov - 2020Cloud Platforms, M5Stack
2 min | 7823#M5Stack: Widgets on your Smartphone help you to stay safe from #COVID-19
Cloud Platforms, M5Stack | 2 min | 7823
This is the last follow-up of the tutorials:
- M5Stack: Fresh air checker helps you to stay safe from #COVID-19 and,
- Nginx: Docker, Flask and Let's Encrypt (SSL),
in which I explained how to build a CO2 measuring device using a M5Stack and an SG30 sensor, send the data to GCP, and offer it using HTTPS.
Fig. 1: CO2 reporting widgets on Android and iOS. These sensors can help to prevent Covid-19 spread in a room. If you want to implement the complete pipeline, check out the links above. This tutorial connects the data to your Android or iOS phone to see that in a Widget (see Fig. ...
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