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Apr - 2019MicroPython, Product Reviews
5 min | 14664#MAiX Dock & MicroPython: Hands-On with low power AI at the edge
MicroPython, Product Reviews | 5 min | 14664
This week, I received from Seeed Studio a MAiX Dock to review it. The main board of the kit includes a Sipeed M1w which is a compact module like the ESP32 but based on the Kendryte K210 dual core RISC-V processor. It is designed for low power artificial intelligence workloads, such as face detection, object recognition, or audio processing. There are two type of modules: the Sipeed M1 and M1w, the last one includes WIFI connectivity.
The main features of the MAiX Dock boards are:
- Display I/F – A...
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Mar - 2019M5Stack, MicroPython, Product Reviews
3 min | 8382This month, I received the M5Stack FIRE development kit with a PLC base kit from Banggood to review (see Fig. 1). After using it, I can affirm that the M5Stack takes an alternative approach to ESP32 prototyping, because the resulting projects are almost simultaneously finished products. This is possible because the board is housed in a stylish and robust hosing with graphics display, buttons, microSD card slot, USB-C port and speakers. I tested the M5Stack FIRE development kit, and the board i...
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Dec - 2018Product Reviews
1 min | 1070Hi there! the guys at InkDrop need some stars on GitHub! Follow the project and stayed tune! What? You don't know about InkDrop.tech?! Ok, no problem: Here you got a description!
Repository: inkdrop-app InkDrop
InkDrop is an open, easy-to-use and uncensorable social network. It is an open source project and can be considered the blockchain community’s answer to the major, privacy invading platforms we depend on today.
Today’s social networks are centrally controlled & moderated and they don’t pass back the proceeds to the creators. They rely on business models that are irreconcila...
- 09
Dec - 2018PCB/Board designs, Product Reviews
5 min | 4107On August I was contacted by Ben from Seeed Studio to review the Fusion service. I received a coupon, which could be used only to order PCB.
To define the Fusion service, I take this text from its website:
Seeed Fusion Service offers one-stop prototyping services for PCB manufacture,PCB assembly and other electronic and mechanical customized services such as CNC Milling, 3D printing and PCB layout services.
I didn't have at that time a design but I had something in mind that uses communication technology. I was experimenting using LoRa technology and I thought, I could managed to design a b...
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Sep - 2018Product Reviews, Raspberry Pi
4 min | 3050#Review: RasPad - a tablet for open-source platforms like Raspberry Pi
Product Reviews, Raspberry Pi | 4 min | 3050
This is my first review on a product that I bought. I hope you enjoy it! Advices and tips are welcome. Please leave me them in the comment section.
Update: I changed the title of the article from "#Reviews: RasPad - an open source tablet for Raspberry Pi" to "#Reviews: RasPad - a tablet for open-source platforms like Raspberry Pi". The table is a close-source solution for open-source platforms like Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone, etc. (thanks Zykino for your advice!)
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