Tag: orange pi
- 23
Mar - 2020Home Automation, Raspberry Pi
2 min | 7468#CC2531 & Raspberry Pi: Philips HUE bridge v1 replacement
Home Automation, Raspberry Pi | 2 min | 7468
As you may know, the Philips Hue Bridge v1 has support until April 30, 2020. This means, after April 30, 2020, no software updates will be made available and it will not connect to the online services. However, you can still control it locally via the "dedicated Philips Hue Bridge v1 app". Nevertheless, you have a device (connected to your network) that can be a "treasure" for hackers (MITM-Attacks), and the "dedicated Philips Hue Bridge v1 app" will disappear shortly! (...
- 05
Jan - 2020General
1 min | 6414The following video summarizes the project highlights of 2019! Most of them are implemented using MicroPython on ESP32 and Python on Raspberry/Orange Pi.
The flying video was recorded with a Nexus 5X mounted on the Zhiyun Smooth 4. In the video-edition process, software stabilization was only used on the vertical axis. The Zhiyun Smooth 4 smoothed the horiz...
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