Tag: diy projects
- 31
Dec - 2020M5Stack, Raspberry Pi
7 min | 150887#Raspberry Pi HQ Camera: Autofocus for the Telephoto Lens (JiJi)
M5Stack, Raspberry Pi | 7 min | 150887
This tutorial opens the series of articles about "Project JiJi" and describes how to add autofocus to the 16 mm Telephoto Lens mounted on the Raspberry Pi HQ Camera. In the past months, I've been working on a project to add autofocus to the lens and this is the result:
Adding some background to this: The Raspberry Pi Foundation offers different Raspberry Pi Camera modules since 2013. The first module (5-megapixel) was produced in 2013, and an 8-megapixel module upgrade (...
- 30
Aug - 2020M5Stack, MicroPython
2 min | 15843#MicroPython: OV2640 camera module extended (M5Camera, ESP32-CAM, etc.)
M5Stack, MicroPython | 2 min | 15843
I've just upgraded the MicroPython camera module for ESP32. The OV2640 uses I2S and two months ago, I wrote/updated the I2S connector to support more boards (check the hardware and software section below).
This time with the help of @joerggollnick, the driver was extended to include the following camera settings:
frame size
,white balance
special effects
,image quality
,vertical flip
, andhorizontal flip
.Hardware and Software
DIY: Instructions
I've i...
- 01
Jun - 2020MicroPython
2 min | 10555As you may have noticed in my past videos, I've been using a self-made rotating platform to display the projects. In this article, I'll describe and present it to you. It is still in its baby step, and I need a case to put everything inside. However, the code is available. The microcontroller is an ESP32, which is connected to Wi-Fi and hosts a website to configure the angle, speed, and direction of rotation. The ESP32 is programmed using MicroPython. Check out the following video!...
- 26
Jan - 2020PCB/Board designs, Product Reviews
3 min | 10016A few months ago, I was looking for a small digital signal oscilloscope (DSO) module, and last week I got a DSO138 DIY kit from DigitSpace. The oscilloscope is originally from the company JYE Tech, but as usual, there are a lot of copies.
The oscilloscope has a bandwidth of 200kHz, a maximum sampling rate of 1MHz and a maximum input voltage of 50Vpk that are sufficient for the applications that I am programming using ESP32 boards (more details here).
In this article, I include a qui...
- 12
Jan - 2020LoRa/LoRaWAN
1 min | 822This is a short article to share with you that I've just registered a LoRaWAN gateway and right now I have one of the 10106 online gateways connected (see Fig. 1) to "The Things Network"!
I got from DigitSpace a Dragino LG02 Gateway (868MHz) and now in Hanover, you can see a gateway running in the List district.
Fig 1: LoRaWAN gateways in Hanover I will be making some tests in the coming weeks, and I am planning to redesign the code in lemariva/uPyLoRa to connect to ...
- 05
Jan - 2020General
1 min | 6414The following video summarizes the project highlights of 2019! Most of them are implemented using MicroPython on ESP32 and Python on Raspberry/Orange Pi.
The flying video was recorded with a Nexus 5X mounted on the Zhiyun Smooth 4. In the video-edition process, software stabilization was only used on the vertical axis. The Zhiyun Smooth 4 smoothed the horiz...
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