Tag: camera
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Dec - 2021Product Reviews, Raspberry Pi
4 min | 27819#Raspberry Pi: ArduCAM powerful $25 camera with high resolution and autofocus
Product Reviews, Raspberry Pi | 4 min | 27819
The Raspberry Pi cameras are getting cheaper but they are not losing quality and performance. At least that is the claim of the company ArduCAM and the Crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. I got a sample, let's start with the review!
The campaign has now moved to indiegogo: Check out this link: 16MP Autofocus Camera Module for Raspberry PiArduCAM company is located in China and dedicates to designing and manufacturing open-source hardware and software s...
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Dec - 2020M5Stack, Raspberry Pi
7 min | 150886#Raspberry Pi HQ Camera: Autofocus for the Telephoto Lens (JiJi)
M5Stack, Raspberry Pi | 7 min | 150886
This tutorial opens the series of articles about "Project JiJi" and describes how to add autofocus to the 16 mm Telephoto Lens mounted on the Raspberry Pi HQ Camera. In the past months, I've been working on a project to add autofocus to the lens and this is the result:
Adding some background to this: The Raspberry Pi Foundation offers different Raspberry Pi Camera modules since 2013. The first module (5-megapixel) was produced in 2013, and an 8-megapixel module upgrade (...
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Aug - 2020M5Stack, MicroPython
2 min | 15843#MicroPython: OV2640 camera module extended (M5Camera, ESP32-CAM, etc.)
M5Stack, MicroPython | 2 min | 15843
I've just upgraded the MicroPython camera module for ESP32. The OV2640 uses I2S and two months ago, I wrote/updated the I2S connector to support more boards (check the hardware and software section below).
This time with the help of @joerggollnick, the driver was extended to include the following camera settings:
frame size
,white balance
special effects
,image quality
,vertical flip
, andhorizontal flip
.Hardware and Software
DIY: Instructions
I've i...
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Feb - 2020MicroPython
2 min | 28636This tutorial extends the article MicroPython: Taking photos with an ESP32 and in this case, the ESP32-CAM running MicroPython takes a photo every 5 seconds and saves it on the microSD card. The photos can be then combined into a time-lapse video! :)
The MicroPython official version doesn't support I2S interface. However, tsaarni wrote a driver for the OV2640 and forked the MicroPython repository to include it. Thus, you need to follow the instructions in this article: MicroPyt...
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Nov - 2019Product Reviews
5 min | 16509This article evaluates three low budget Wi-Fi cameras that I buy from e.g. banggood.com and aliexpress.com but I will focus most of the analysis on my last acquisition the XIAOMI Mijia CMSXJ11A.
All cameras in this review are Xiaomi (not exactly built by Xiaomi) and can be connected to the application Mi Home (apple/android). Moreover, you need to select the region to China (Mainland) in the application, otherwise you are not going to find the devices. This has a main disa...
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Sep - 2019MicroPython
6 min | 76001Last year, I bought an ESP32-CAM board from Banggood and I wanted to use it with MicroPython. The board has an OV2640 without any chip (buffer) between the ESP32 and the camera. There are many implementation for Arduino or directly using Espressif, but I wanted to use MicroPython. Thus, the only solution was to use the I2S interface, but I didn't have time to write the driver. Thus, I put the project on hold. However, last week I was searching between the ESP32 boards that I have,...
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