Tag: hybrid analysis
- 03
Nov - 2017Hacking
2 min | 1368And once again! Word files with Macro! But this time, I was the first one to report it to VirusTotal and Hybrid-Analysis! :)
Fig 1: VirusTotal report! Just only two: Fortinet sells hardware, and Qihoo-360 is in China (:S)... Here you have the e-mail. The sender is this time the "BOSS Last Name" (A nice improvement! :P) without address, or something like that!
Guten Tag, Riva, Mauro Bitte die gekennzeichneten Stellen ergänzen und unterschreiben, bitte mit Stempel außer das SEPA Formular. Für die Abbuchung. http://docs.google.de/download/de_DE/doc/ -> with hyperlink (http://elp...
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