Tag: zerynth
- 27
Oct - 2018Cloud Platforms, Home Automation, MicroPython
2 min | 4677#Zerynth: ESP32 & Google IoT Core - Part 2: Getting data from Smart Power Outlets
Cloud Platforms, Home Automation, MicroPython | 2 min | 4677
This part 2 of the tutorial will allow you to get data from the smart power outlets and send it to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) throught the Google IoT Core and using an ESP32 programmed with Zerynth (Python). This data is not usually available to the user (directly, you need to use the power outlet application), and it is sent to the company servers.
If you want to check, if your power outlets are compatible for this tutorial, they should have the...
- 17
Sep - 2018Cloud Platforms, MicroPython
7 min | 19503#Zerynth: ESP32 & Google IoT Core - Part 1: Sending data to the Cloud
Cloud Platforms, MicroPython | 7 min | 19503
There are lot of tutorials about connecting the ESP32 to a cloud service, but I planned to connect these boards using MicroPython directly to the cloud. That means, I didn't want to use a hardware or software bridge. I wanted to use the Google IoT Core, but MicroPython doesn't support JSON Web Token (JWT), which is needed for the device authentication. I tried to write the library myself, but it didn't work, because of the needed dependencies and the small mem...
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