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Jun - 2017Android Things
1 min | 1039Hi everybody!
I've recently updated the code for the communication between the raspberry pi v3 and the rf24l01+ module using android things (0.)4.1.
You need the following things:
nRF24Things: https://goo.gl/SNnhxq Android Things (0.) 4.1
You can find more info about the project on https://goo.gl/XsRJtI .
I'm making a smart dehumidifier, so stay tuned more info is coming this week! (Update: here the link!)
Jun - 2017MicroPython
2 min | 6880Hi everyone! As soon as I saw the WS2812B led strip, I thought: doing a vu-meter with these LEDs would be a nice thing!.
I was looking for economical MEMS microphones with board (I didn't want to solder a board). I found two options: SPH0645LM4H and SPW2430.
The SPH0645LM4H uses an I2S interface and the SPW2430 has an analog output. The second board (SPW2430) has two outputs: AC pin which has a capacitor in series to eliminate the DC output of the IC, and the output of the IC (...
Apr - 2017MicroPython
1 min | 6337Hi! I had two busy months, I've been writting my PhD-Thesis, and another paper and yeap... sorry! I forgot to update the blog!
Code: https://goo.gl/v7NCkj Three weeks ago, I received a Ublox NEO-M8N GPS and I tested it with the code that I had. I said it should work, but as you know it always needs some modifications! The NEO-M8N supports GLONASS and GPS, so the $GP changes to $GN, e.g. $GPGGA (GPS) > $GNGGA (GPS+GLONASS).
The following changes were added:
# lines 604-606: if ...
Jan - 2017MicroPython
2 min | 8053Hi again!... First of all:
I've just uploaded some code for the Wipy 2.0. I wanted to write some python code. That was why I took the Wipy 2.0 and programmed something like a weather report box. In this project the Wipy 2.0 reads the GPS coordinates via UART, then makes a web get request using the API of openweathermap, and after that the results are displayed on a LCD.
If you like this, please leave ...
Jan - 2017Android Things
6 min | 160366#ProjectDIVA: Sensor mesh based on nrf24l01+ connected to Android Things (Update 1.0)
Android Things | 6 min | 160366
I've just uploaded the Java codes for the
that work with Android Things. This time I didn't write a library because I thought it was better to upload an Android project that can be opened with Android Studio (>2.2.3) and directly started on the Raspberry Pi. I think this can also work with NXP Pico i.MX6UL and Intel® Edison with minor modifications (especially in theBoardDefaults
file).In thi...
Jan - 2017General
1 min | 1816Hi!
I've just updated the website style! I was using theme-brick (Pagekit) without any modification, but I added some today! I hope you find it cool! Leave a comment and tell me what you think about it! Stay tuned, I am loading some new codes!
Jan - 2017PCB/Board designs
2 min | 5568Out with the old, in with the new: may you be happy the whole year through!!!
Happy New Year!
This week has been a very busy one for me. But 2017 starts, and I have some new codes to publish!
How I start? Ok, I've been working (may be playing) with Android Things using a Raspberry Pi v3, and I've been rewriting some of my libraries!.
First, I thought, let's try SWIG and wrap the C/C++ codes to use them with Java. But, then I realized, that I needed a wrapper in wrapper, which I think is not possib...
Dec - 2016MicroPython
1 min | 3849I wish you a Merry Christmas!!! and to celebrate this evening I've just uploaded a new repository for the Wipy 2.0. Some Christmas lights using the WS2812B!
Things used in this project
Hardware components
Video Preview
: add your ssid, wlan password, and configure the ip address. You need this file if you want to connect the Wipy 2.0 to your router, otherwise you can avoid copying it and the Wipy remains as an wlan access point.main.py
: you find some options here. The most impor...19
Dec - 2016PCB/Board designs
2 min | 2744Hi everybody! I am back again! After almost a-two whole week(s) of code cleaning and updating I've just uploaded two 'new' libraries:
RF24: https://goo.gl/3fTmlJ
RF24Network: https://goo.gl/KONmkUThese libraries are an extension to the great nrf24 libraries provided by TMRh20 and allow to connect the nRF24L01+ to the following TI-Launchpads:
- MSP430G2553
- MSP430F5529LP
- TM4C1294XL
- more are coming in the next days!
In the following days I am updating some example codes for CCS (Code Co...
Dec - 2016PCB/Board designs
2 min | 7918Hi everybody! I have just uploaded two repositories related to the EK-TM4C1294XL!
You can:
Take photos over serial interface: https://goo.gl/8PlS7y
Stream (slow) video via webserver: https://goo.gl/gQDFTOConnect the OmniVision ov7670 -old but everywhere- (version with FIFO AL422B) to the LaunchPad Tiva™ C Series EK-TM4C1294XL and take photos over serial interface, or use the http webserver to get a (slow) video streaming.
Things used in this project
Hardware components
Dec - 2016General
2 min | 1446Hi everyone, my name is Mauro Riva and I have been working in Hannover, Germany since 2010. I am originally from Argentina (Capitán Bermúdez). My programming languages are Python, node.js, C, C++, C#, qt, VB.NET, html, javascript, php, mysql, matlab, some structured text for PLC and some java.
I work at the Institute of Mechatronic Systems (Leibniz University Hannover) where I am finishing my PhD thesis on the field of identification and control (working title “Online Parameter and Covariance Identification on Mechatronic Systems”). The thesis includes development of adaptive observers (deriv...
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