Tag: analytics
- 01
Dec - 2019Analytics, Cloud Platforms
4 min | 56123#Portainer: Managing Docker Engines remotely over TCP socket (TLS)
Analytics, Cloud Platforms | 4 min | 56123
This tutorial is about managing a Docker Engine remotely using Portainer connected to the protected Docker daemon socket (
TCP port 2376
). By default, you can manage Docker locally through a non-networked UNIX socket (option-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
while running Portainer). But, if you want the Docker Engine to be reachable through the network in a safe manner, you need to enable TLS by specifying the--tlsverify
flag and pointing Docker’s--tlscacert
flag to a CA certificate. Then, the daemon only accepts connections from clients that are authenticated by a certificate si... - 11
May - 2019Analytics
12 min | 200222PEP-8 (sometimes PEP 8 or PEP8) is a coding standard and style guide for readability and long-term maintainability of code in Python. It was written in 2001 by Guido van Rossum, Barry Warsaw, and Nick Coghlan and provides guidelines and best practices on how to program Python code. PEPs stand for Python Enhancement Proposals, and they describe and document the way Python language evolves, providing a reference point (and in some way a standardization) for the pythonic way to write code.
This tutorial presents some of the most important key points of PEP-8. If you want to, you can read the ful...
- 10
Apr - 2019Analytics
4 min | 3897This post is about data inside Docker containers. As I mentioned in the last post #Analytics: Docker for Data Science Environment, data in Docker can either be temporary or persistent. In this tutorial, I will focus on Docker volumes, but I will include some info about temporary data and bind mounts too.
Fig 1: Data in Docker container (source) Temporary Data
Inside a Docker container, there are two ways in which data can be kept temporarily. By default, files created inside a container are stored in the writable layer of the container. You do not have to do anything, but every...
- 30
Mar - 2019General
1 min | 1417This is just another small post. I was quite busy the last weeks, and here is why:
Next week (from April 1st to April 5th), I'll be at the Hanover Fair 2019.
I am with our start-up fine|alyze presenting solutions for IIoT and data analytics. If you want to meet me in person, just come to the Hall 16, Stand D38(1) -5G Arena-.
We are collecting and analyzing the data produced by a "model factory" of VWN, and presenting live results of our models.
Click here to find the map!
- 26
Mar - 2019Raspberry Pi
4 min | 23686In summer 2018, Google announced two Edge TPU devices for machine learning. These are now available under the Coral brand. Two weeks ago, I bought the Coral USB Accelerator. It is a portable USB accessory that brings machine learning inferencing to existing systems and it is compatible with Raspberry Pi and other Linux systems.
Fig. 1: Coral USB Accelerator, Raspberry Pi Camera and a RasPad I wanted to test the performance of the Edge-TPU on my Raspberry Pi3, and as ...
- 19
Jan - 2019MicroPython
6 min | 21580I was looking at my last articles about MicroPython and my new articles about Jupyter and Docker, and I thought if it is possible to make a mix between Jupyter and the ESP boards. I use usually Visual Studio Code to program the ESP but for analytics I use Jupyter. I looked if it was possible to connect the Jupyter kernel to the ESP using the serial port and: Yes!, it is possible. This can be a great tool to teach kids to access data from connected sensors and analyze it us...
- 28
Dec - 2018Analytics
3 min | 4252Portainer is a management UI which allows you to easily manage your different Docker environments.
This is what I will try to accomplish in this tutorial. You will be able to:
- Run Portainer for Docker management on Windows, Linux and on a Cloud platform
- Start container with a predefined admin password, in case you are on a public network
Linux/Mac OSX
If you are running Docker on Ubuntu or Mac OSX, you can start using Portainer as a Docker Container typing the following:
docker volume create portainer_data docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name portainer --restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:...
- 09
Dec - 2018Analytics
8 min | 43179Today, I am opening a new section on my blog, and this time it is about analytics. As you may know, I've been working in research on IIoT and analytics for the last years, but up to now my blog has only shown my hobbyist projects. I want to change the focus of my website a little bit and add something about data analytics, machine learning, Docker technology etc. Everything that I will be publishing in this section is not new. There are many tutorials and great YouTube videos that explain these topics too, but I am going to focus on building an end-to-end data science project using some of the...
- 13
Jun - 2018General
1 min | 1767I got you! Please stop trying to hack my website! It's just a small blog! You are ruining my stats! ;)
Sorry to the other users!, but the last two weeks, someone was using the cloud system ofOnline SAS to try to hack my website. Yes, you heard that right! Someone is trying to hack this small blog! and I can tell you: That's illegal! ;) In the terms and conditions of Online SAS that is NOT allowed! ;P
Are Paris IP-addresses going to be the next Nigeria IP-addresses? abuseipdb.com has a lot of Paris IP-addresses declared as risky!
Leave a comment, if you have more info, and if you are the guy tr...
- 08
May - 2018Analytics
9 min | 22742Docker is a technology that emerged for about 5 years and since then it has simplified the packaging, distribution, installation and execution of (complex) applications. Usually applications consist of many components that need to be installed and configured. Installing all needed dependencies and configuring them correctly is usually time consuming and frustrating for users, developers and administrators. Here is where Docker comes to simplify this process allowing developers and users to package these applications into containers.
A container image is lightweight, stand-alone, executable pa...
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