Tag: wireless communication
- 05
Jun - 2020M5Stack, MicroPython
5 min | 13457#M5Stack: Introducing the brand new M5Stack ATOM Echo using MicroPython
M5Stack, MicroPython | 5 min | 13457
Last week, I've received a brand new M5Stack ATOM Echo parallel to the market launch (see Fig. 1). You might already know the M5Stack company. They make robust and open-source development kits with stackable modules. The kits allow you to make rapid and high-quality prototypes.
Today, the M5Stack launches the ATOM Echo. Check out this video, and see how it works with MicroPython:
M5Stack ATOM Echo
M5Stack ATOM Echo is a tiny programmable smart speaker and is part of the M5...
- 01
Jun - 2020MicroPython
2 min | 10588As you may have noticed in my past videos, I've been using a self-made rotating platform to display the projects. In this article, I'll describe and present it to you. It is still in its baby step, and I need a case to put everything inside. However, the code is available. The microcontroller is an ESP32, which is connected to Wi-Fi and hosts a website to configure the angle, speed, and direction of rotation. The ESP32 is programmed using MicroPython. Check out the following video!...
- 18
May - 2020LoRa/LoRaWAN, M5Stack, MicroPython
2 min | 5922I've just updated the LoRa/LoRaWAN repository for MicroPython and added a configuration that works on the M5Stack Fire using the LoRa868 Module. Therefore, this will help you connect the M5Stack Fire to the "The Things Network (TTN)"!
If you're new to MicroPython read this tutorial: Tutorial: Getting Started with MicroPython on ESP32, M5Stack, and ESP8266If you want to know more about the LoRaWAN and MicroPython, read this article: Tutorial: ESP32 running MicroPython sends data o...
- 06
Apr - 2020M5Stack, MicroPython
6 min | 21759#MicroPython: GCP getting air-quality data from an M5Stack ATOM
M5Stack, MicroPython | 6 min | 21759
Spring in Europe has already started, and many people are having allergy problems. Therefore, I thought of making a project to measure air quality and collect this data to train a model that can tell me, when is the best time to open my apartment windows to let some fresh air into the apartment and thus minimize possible allergy attacks and sneezing! Like almost everyone right now (thanks to COVID-19), I'm working from home and this beautiful...
- 22
Mar - 2020LoRa/LoRaWAN, M5Stack, MicroPython
3 min | 8265#M5Stack Atom Matrix: LoRaWAN node running MicroPython
LoRa/LoRaWAN, M5Stack, MicroPython | 3 min | 8265
This tutorial is about programming the M5Stack Atom using MicroPython to transfer data to a LoRaWAN gateway. The gateway is then connected to the "The Things Network" (TTN) to process the data.
Before you start reading, check out the video of this setup!
The M5Stack ATOM Matrix is the most compact development board in the M5Stack development kit series with a size of only 24 x 24 x 14 mm and a weight of 14 g.
It has:
- 6 GPIO (Dupont Pins)
- GROVE/4Pin PH2.0 interface
- 5 x ...
- 16
Feb - 2020MicroPython
2 min | 28687This tutorial extends the article MicroPython: Taking photos with an ESP32 and in this case, the ESP32-CAM running MicroPython takes a photo every 5 seconds and saves it on the microSD card. The photos can be then combined into a time-lapse video! :)
The MicroPython official version doesn't support I2S interface. However, tsaarni wrote a driver for the OV2640 and forked the MicroPython repository to include it. Thus, you need to follow the instructions in this article: MicroPyt...
- 13
Feb - 2020LoRa/LoRaWAN, MicroPython
8 min | 27102#Tutorial: ESP32 running MicroPython sends data over LoRaWAN
LoRa/LoRaWAN, MicroPython | 8 min | 27102
LoRa is a wireless data communication technology that enables you to transmit data over a very-long-range (more than 10 km in rural areas) with low power consumption. It uses license-free sub-gigahertz radio frequency bands as the 169 MHz, 433 MHz, 868 MHz for Europe, and 915 MHz for North America.
In October 2018, I published an article about LoRa and ESP32, and I uploaded a project to GitHub. The project includes a SX127x driver for ESP32 running MicroPython. However...
- 02
Feb - 2020M5Stack, MicroPython
6 min | 37593The M5Stack is a modular open-source toolkit for developing IoT applications. It is based on an ESP32, which is the core module and there are a lot of stackable modules that you can use for different projects. This enables to do rapid and high-quality prototyping!
You can program the core device using the ESP-IDF framework, the Arduino-IDE, Blockly or MicroPython. Unfortunately, the BLE is still not available using the official M5Stack MicroPython firmware (forked from LoBo). Howeve...
- 12
Jan - 2020LoRa/LoRaWAN
1 min | 830This is a short article to share with you that I've just registered a LoRaWAN gateway and right now I have one of the 10106 online gateways connected (see Fig. 1) to "The Things Network"!
I got from DigitSpace a Dragino LG02 Gateway (868MHz) and now in Hanover, you can see a gateway running in the List district.
Fig 1: LoRaWAN gateways in Hanover I will be making some tests in the coming weeks, and I am planning to redesign the code in lemariva/uPyLoRa to connect to ...
- 04
Dec - 2019Home Automation, Raspberry Pi
6 min | 33421#Raspberry Pi: Controlling Philips HUE Lights (ZigBee & CC2531)
Home Automation, Raspberry Pi | 6 min | 33421
This article extends the tutorial about Hass.io and the Xiaomi Aqara Sensors that I've published months ago. That tutorial is part of the series of articles about Zigbee and the Rasbperry Pi using the CC2531 USB dongle. Here are the links:
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